Top 6 Twitter Tips for Real Estate Agents

With the Internet becoming the go-to place for resources, it’s understandable that online marketing skills are required. One such resource is Twitter, and understanding its many intricacies is the key to moving up in the world of real estate.

1) Configure

Personalization is the key to attracting people. Of course, putting a photo is important. People usually don’t follow people without pictures for fear that person will constantly spam them. Another useful way to attract attention is to include a logo or tagline. With Twitter growing day by day, being able to stand out from the crowd is vital.

2) Who to follow

Twitter allows you to find people to follow based on your interests. First of all, when choosing who to follow, make sure those people regularly update their respective feeds and aren’t just casual users. When starting out, it’s easy to want to follow as many random people as possible in the hope that they’ll follow you back. However, sticking to a specific audience at first can be more beneficial.

3) Gain followers

Unlike Facebook, where you befriend people, wait for them to accept you, and watch your friends list grow, to keep up with people on Twitter you have to follow them and have them follow you. At first this may seem like a daunting process, but it becomes easier once you understand the ‘give and take’ nature of the following process. Of course, to gain followers, you have to be the follower first. Making use of Twitter tools and meeting people outside of the social media sphere will definitely earn you those followers.

4) Communicate

The most important part of Twitter and any social network is, of course, communication, especially effective communication. On Twitter, learning how to use hashtags is crucial. For example, if you tweet about social media, you would just use the two words in a normal sentence, but write them as #socialmedia. Doing this makes your tweets easier to find. When you tweet, don’t overdo it. Updating every two minutes on the same thing is basically the same as sending spam. Your goal is to refresh people, not annoy them.

5) Automation

Keeping up with all the tweets, hashtags, RTs, even trending topics can seem like a huge burden to keep up with. This is also one of the reasons many real estate agents are put off by the idea of ​​using a social networking site to find potential clients. Fortunately, there are forms of apps like EasyTweets, Tweetbacks, and Twitterfon that allow you to automate specific tasks. If you want to get alerts for people using certain keywords, these are the apps to use.

6) Share images

Twitpic is a useful way to post images, such as local listings, directly from your phone to Twitter. Use when linking to shorten your URL.

Remember who your target audience is, and be sure to thank those who retweet and mention your products.

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