They are not my sheep

Have you seen the movie “Baby”? A young pig, Babe struggled to understand the farmer, but he was able to communicate with the other farm animals at Hoggett Farm. However, he mistrusted the male sheepdog and the cat seemed to be evil. The story required Babe to find a way to lead Farmer Hoggett’s flock of sheep during a broadcast public competition. While the other competitors brought their experienced sheepdogs to control their sheep, Hoggett brought his pig to do just that. The sheep did not listen to Babe. They were not “his” sheep. Something more was needed or they would not trust or obey Babe’s orders.

Web Search John 10:25-30. “You don’t believe because you are not my sheep.” This was Jesus’ parable comparing the Hebrew people to domesticated sheep. Jesus explained that he had come as a shepherd to gather the sheep that were God’s. The sheep that knew God came to Jesus, because they recognized God (Jesus, as one of God in three persons.) Sheep are clan animals, they do not associate with sheep of another flock, and they will not trust or obey a shepherd unknown to them. It seems that a flock of sheep chooses its shepherd, more than the shepherd chooses them Read John 10:1-42 for context on why Jesus uses the relationship of a flock of sheep and a shepherd to explain why he ministers to the Hebrew people.

Jesus, at the age of thirty-three, completed his ministry by being a sacrifice (He was crucified). He did not remain in death. Three days later, Jesus defeated death when he was resurrected by his own power. He showed himself to the surviving disciples of him and a few others (web search), before returning to the right side of God with absolute power over mankind, as God gave him. His age at the time of his physical death serves as a time marker. The Latin phrase “Anno Domini” (abbreviated as AD), marks the year of his crucifixion as year #1 in “The Year of the Lord”. Jesus’ disciple John described his time with Jesus in the Book of John around 70 AD

In John 10, John repeated Jesus’ parable of the Hebrew people being like sheep and himself as a shepherd sent by God to bring home the sheep that “were his.” Jesus was inside the Jerusalem Temple when he said this to a crowd of Hebrews who confronted him. In John 10:25-30, Jesus told them that his unbelief revealed to them Not to be Sheep of God, a powerful rebuke that prompted some of them to try to stone (murder) Jesus there in the temple!

Most people today do not have the experience of raising livestock in a flock (such as sheep), and may incorrectly believe that Jesus refers to all humans as dumb animals (sheep) that require guidance. You have to study the meaning of his words. He said that God’s sheep will know his voice (that of his shepherd), and that they will listen, believe and obey (him), that “they cannot be caught up.”

It means that you must look within yourself. If you don’t want to hear the gospel of Jesus, you don’t want to read what he said in the Christian Bible, and if you sit back and reflect on your decision to believe that he is the Christ sent by God to make the way to your salvation, then you are not one of God’s sheep. That’s kind of scary, don’t you think? In his parable, he said that the sheep (that he will save) hear and know the voice of his shepherd. All are willing to believe him, and trust and obey his guidance. If this doesn’t happen to you, as may you be saved? Search the web for John 14:6.

To understand Jesus, read the New Testament verses of the Christian Bible, most of which were written by John and other disciples of Jesus, who witnessed and wrote down what Jesus said. Change your life by practicing the commandments of Jesus you read about, then up your game by collaborating with someone else who is also looking to change their life. Web search Matthew 18:20. Jesus promised to help you stop being God’s sheep. Both you and your friend will be treated like lost sheep in need of security, warmth, and affiliation with his herd. For you and your friend, his the voice (guidance and grace) will become familiar, like a family, calling you home.

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