The biggest loser and his weight loss

How they did it? The transformations on The Biggest Loser TV show are incredible, to say the least. Although the physical transformations are incredible, it is the emotional transformations that are equally impressive. The confidence, strength, and power participants gain after weight loss is incredible.

While program participants are completely dedicated 24 hours a day to weight loss, how can results be achieved at home? Is it possible to do? By complying with the following recommendations, it is possible to lose weight just as those in the program have done.

To start, The Biggest Loser weight loss plan begins with a 4-3-2-1 eating plan that is based on four servings of fruits and vegetables, 3 proteins, 2 whole foods and one extra. The extra cannot be more than 200 calories and can be any good fat, alcohol, or candy.

To determine the caloric intake for the day, the current body weight is multiplied by a factor of 7 to determine the calories needed. It is important to note here that caloric intake should not be less than 1,200 calories to prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies, as well as to not disturb metabolism. Also, since water is an appetite suppressant, like hoodia, 48 to 64 ounces of water should be consumed each day to stay hydrated and promote a feeling of fullness.

Another important factor in The Biggest Loser’s eating plan is eating raw foods with little preparation. They should not be processed foods. They should also not contain any ingredients that cannot be pronounced. Food should not contain sugars or starches, which cause spikes and drops in blood sugar, which triggers hunger. An example of an acceptable snack or meal would be a whey protein shake.

Finally, foods should be eaten frequently and in smaller portions. Most importantly, exercise must be incorporated.

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