Stay in shape: cycling workouts for the winter months

It is that time of year. The moment you decide it’s okay to drive in 12 degree weather. The moment food and water freeze, hands and feet go numb and the bike gets covered in water and road salt …

It’s the time of year you decide you were a fucking idiot for going outside!

That “time of year” for me was yesterday. My first trip outdoors in sub-25 degree weather. It is the same every year. During the spring, summer, and fall you tend to forget how bad it is … and you think you’re strong enough to handle it. Well … you are not!

A single trip brings back the painful experiences of just a year ago. Warming up frozen hands and feet – what a way to end a trip! It’s enough to make me want to stay outside in the cold!

I even bought a trainer this year. And I spent it after a month. Then, inevitably, I went outside in freezing temperatures. Now I am getting ready to buy some rollers. Then I’ll stay inside like a sane person!

Maybe even choose some exercise videos. I have a CTS mountain biking video, the Spinervals might be fine, but I’m more interested in Cyclo-core workouts. [See resource box below.] There is everything: riding a bicycle, lifting light objects, etc. – and best of all: only 30-60 minutes each!

You can stay indoors, avoid coach boredom, and you don’t even have to go to the gym! Definitely too good to pass up!

Even if you don’t want to buy anything, visit the site for a free special report: “Five Secrets to Double Your Fitness Out of Season”

Moral of the story: this is the off-season. Do not drive outdoors if the temperature is below 25 degrees. And feel free to use this as an excuse to spend the winter in California!

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