Sexy body language tips for the first date

You are on your first date with the date of your dreams. Sexual body language signs to tell you that they are hot for you. Flirting tips for the hit dating game.

1: Looking adoringly. When we are attracted to someone, we all have trouble looking away. Even when the object of our lust has stopped talking, the lustful gaze continues to occur. To be a bit provocative, use this to your advantage, and during a pause in the conversation, keep your eyes on your date while you silently count to five. Conversely, the more your date blinks, the more nervous they are.

2: Hands. Clenched fists, hands close together, or hands pressed against the mouth indicate nervousness and tension. Worse yet, is if their hands are holding their head in utter boredom, or if they’re about to collapse from fatigue or alcohol. Anxious people tend to
hold their own hands or fiddle with objects on the table. Hands placed openly palms up on the table indicate a more relaxed open person. If you’re terribly nervous, try holding your hands together loosely on the table, as this gives off better vibrations than putting your fingers together or crossing your arms. Placing your hands on your chest while you speak makes you sound alive and sincere.

3: Speech volume. If he considers you his equivalent, his tone will not be too high or too low. Very loud voices tend to belong to dominant personalities and very soft ones to meek ones.

4: Subconscious autoerotic touch. Sexy thinking leads us to unconsciously touch ourselves, for various reasons. First of all, draw attention to various parts of the body. Both the boys and the girls caress their lips and the girls rub their upper arms, thighs, hips and waist. Second, we touch ourselves to provoke the other. Third, when you’re sexually aroused, blood rushes around your swollen limbs, making everything hypersensitive. Touching ourselves then feels good.

5: Mouth. A very strong sexual body language gesture is when your date starts eating, drinking, or smoking faster. Thinking about sex makes you touch your mouth. Putting things in your mouth can imply that you are sexually interested. The girls lick ice cream cones, play with spoons, and lick their fingers.

6: Her hair. Interested girls will start playing with their hair. Teasing your hair, stroking it, and, strongest of all, flicking your hair, are all body language signals of availability or flirtation. However, if he starts hiding behind his hair, he’s showing disinterest.

7: Violinist boys. As guys become more sexually aroused, they begin to give off their own flirting signals. These may include rubbing their noses, fiddling with their tie, slipping rings on their fingers, and fiddling with loose change in their pocket. Adjusting her hair is a sign that she wants to look good for you.

8: Checking your butt. If you catch your date staring at your butt when you get up from the table to go to the bar or the bathroom, then he or she is having lustful thoughts.

9: Symbolically undress. Undoing buttons, loosening ties, removing jackets, and rolling up sleeves are all strong sexual body language gestures. Getting naked in public without realizing it is Mother Nature’s way of getting us naked with someone with whom we share sexual chemistry.

10: Playing. Not sure where the date goes? Try the touch test. Touch their hand, arm, or shoulder. Unless he’s shy, he should contact you back within 10 minutes if he likes you.
On a good first date, there should be three sets of contact for three seconds each time.

11: The wine glass. The date is a winner if you are rubbing the rim of your glass with your fingers. Similarly, if you are stroking your cup up and down. If he also makes direct eye contact and plays with his straw, he is definitely flirting. However, chest-high or higher wine glasses are a sign that there won’t be a second date. Similarly, if your date wraps both hands around your glass.
The wine glass test. This is a great subconscious body language test to gauge that first date. Start playing with an object on your side of the table, for example: wine glass, spoon, etc. Lean slightly forward and gently move it to your date’s side of the table. Take your hands off, lie back and keep talking. If your date absentmindedly returns it to you, he’s not interested. If they leave it where it is, or keep it, you’re in luck. To go further, push another object in its direction and leave your arms on the table. The enthusiastic date will now also lean forward and push something from their side of the table towards you.

12: Kiss, kiss. These are all strong signs that your date is receptive to a kiss: touching her mouth, licking her lips, pulling her head close to yours, seductively eating and drinking, and tilting her head while looking at you.
Begin the kiss with a light gentle brush against his lips. If they back away, purse their lips, or slap you, you must stop! If they lean in, part their lips, or touch the back of your neck, they’re happy to continue.

The art of flirting through non-verbal communication has never been easier! Use this dating tip to interpret body language and send your own sexual signals. Flirt that first date on a second date!

Happy flirting! Coconut Swan.

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