Human papilloma virus (HPV)

I have recently received many cases related to this supposed virus and decided that the time was right to address this pathology. The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a so-called virus that is the cause of common warts that manifest in certain parts of the body, specifically the hands and feet. HPV is alleged to be the cause of lesions of the mucous membranes of the oral, anal, and genital cavities.

According to Western medical research and statistics, more than 50 types of HPV have been identified. Some of these HPV types are said to be associated with cancerous and precancerous conditions.

According to Western medicine, the putative virus can be transmitted through sexual contact and is frequently found in women with cervical cancer.

Unfortunately, in Western medicine there is no cure for HPV infection. However, warts can be removed by cryosurgery, laser treatment, or conventional surgery (which I’ve heard are quite painful procedures).

Well, thank goodness for alternative medicine and healing because under these approaches, there is a cure for HPV just like with all other virus infections (including genital herpes) and diseases.

Remember, to heal from a thing you must have knowledge of the thing. First of all, what is a virus? ANSWER: It is nothing but poison. The word “virus” is Latin for “poison.”

Virus conditions are poisonous or toxic blood conditions where vermin (microorganisms, parasites, and worms) manifest in certain parts of the body, usually the genital region. This is the reason why most people with a Herpes or Human Papillomavirus infection have outbreaks or manifestations on the genitals.

Genital diseases prompt us to search our root or base chakra (energy center located in the genitals) for an energy imbalance. You see, all illness is first energetic and then finally manifests physically.

Most people who get an HPV infection usually have problems with survival, grounding, connection to the Earth, sexuality, etc. Because virus means “poison,” an HPV infection or any other viral infection indicates that your lifestyle is “poisonous” or “toxic” and that what is needed is a change for the better.

Warts usually denote the need for something to come out or release. In many cases this can be sexual guilt, fear of sex or sexual practices, repressed thoughts and emotions (usually sexual), etc. Make the connection. It has warts, genitals, STDs, and the first or root chakra (located on the genitals). Diseases in the genital region denote sexual imbalance at some level (mental, emotional, psychological, etc.). When you connect the puzzle pieces or make the connections, this is what you get: an energetic imbalance of the “root or base chakra” that attracted a toxic person into your life to give you a “sexually transmitted disease” that caused “warts” manifested in or on the “genitals”. And because? It is calling your attention so that you can correct the imbalance at its core or foundation, but also so that you can correct the problem holistically or on all levels.

Wherever the wart(s) manifest(s) on the body (skin), it is a sign to look specifically there. The body is a map, the human geography. Because the wart(s) manifest(s) on the skin, the body’s largest elimination channel, the signal or message is that it needs to cleanse the blood (which has obviously become too toxic in that person or individual in particular) since the skin always manifests itself to the condition of the blood. A person with HPV definitely has toxic or “poisonous” blood

Cure for HPV

As with all other viral infections, the body must be cleansed and emphasis should be placed on cleansing the blood and the main channels of elimination (kidneys, liver, lungs, and colon) that serve as filters for the blood.

Many women who have genital herpes or HPV tell me that when they cleanse or detox, their viral outbreaks and the pain associated with them are exacerbated during the cleanse or detox. This is because the vagina is also a channel of elimination and breakouts are actually a good sign (of healing) because the Body Intelligence is using the warts and lesions to expel or remove waste from inside the body.

Many of these women have admitted to me that they contracted their viral infection through sexual intercourse while cheating on their partner/spouse or from a partner/spouse who was cheating on them. Either way, someone was doing something that they shouldn’t have been doing in “private” and therefore the consequences or ramifications of this “private” or discreet act manifested in the private parts of the body: the genitals. In other words, the things (acts) that are done in the dark usually manifest in dark spots or areas on the body. The genitals are located in the “dark” area or region of the body. It is dark because it is so “covered” or “hidden” from view.

Surely there is a thing called Body Language that speaks but we can’t hear and/or we don’t understand the language. I have become more effective at helping people heal holistically due to my learning, studying, and understanding of body language. You see, body language is decoded or deciphered with the use of metaphysics which unfortunately is not recognized, used or accepted by the western medical world.

After cleansing the body’s blood and major elimination channels, the next thing to do is follow a daily regimen consisting of powerful antiviral, nerve, and immune-stimulating/strengthening herbs.

Antiviral herbs include: Olive Leaf (Olea europaea), Passionflower (Passiflora incarnate), Thronedora (tecoma stans), Osha Root (Ligusticum porterii), Lomatium Root (Lomatium dissectum), Chaparral Leaf (Larrea tridentate), Echinacea (Echincea angustifolia), goldenseal root (Hydrastis canadensis), St. John’s wort (Hypericim perforatum), and Usnea lichen (Usnea spp.)

Nerve herbs include: kava kava (Piper methysticum), valerian root (Valeriana officinalis), passionflower, jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), lavender flower (lavender vera), and chamomile (matricaria recutta).

Immune-boosting herbs include: Echinacea, Goldenseal, Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus), Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium), and Lomatium Root.

Drinking vegetable juice (containing coriander and parsley) daily or during flare-ups is very helpful.

Alkaline baths (1 or 2 boxes of sea salt added to bath water) are very healing and relaxing. Add 3-5 drops of Tea Tree, Manuka, Ravensara, and Lavender essential oils to the water to enhance therapeutic relief.

The ozonated natural oil can be applied directly (massage, rub) on lesions or warts. Ozone (or oxygen) helps purify the blood. Oxygen/ozone is naturally very antiviral.

Add more raw foods (organic fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables) to your daily diet. Reduce or greatly eliminate meats, dairy products, and refined grains, as well as other refined and processed foods.

Supplement the oxygen drops in your daily drinking water. Once again, oxygen is very antiviral.

And lastly, forgive yourself for getting HPV. STDs are always “catch” because you have to agree to get and keep them. It’s a contract (agreement), folks. You are exchanging one form of bread for another form of bread. This is the consideration of the contract. A pain can be on the emotional level due to the pain of an affair, cheating on someone, or being cheated on by someone. The other pain is always physical. But you have to love yourself and forgive yourself for the act (no matter what act caused your HPV). Love and forgiveness start the healing process.

Products: Antiviral Formula, Immune Support, Yoni Formula and much more

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