Cancer, Candida and The Parasite Connection

Candida and the parasite connection

In order for the body to heal, it must first be able to absorb all the nutrients and improve the digestive system and strengthen the immune system. There are many reasons why the digestive system may not function properly.

Many people have experienced an increase in digestive problems over the years. The most common reasons are: a diet deficient in the proper nutrients, impure water, along with the overuse of antibiotics, oral contraceptives, corticosteroids, and other medications.

We see more people suffering from Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, diverticulitis, celiac disease, indigestion, reflux, allergies, asthma, and constipation. Parasites and other harmful organisms that affect the immune system are on the rise. The most common of these is Candida Albicans. All of this shows the need for better nutrition through a healthy diet.

It is crucial to increase and maintain bacteria levels, eliminate any yeast infections and parasite infestations, and thus help eliminate cancer from the body.

Lots of organic raw foods will keep your gut free from constipation. The body has to balance bacteria levels, fight yeast infections, and eliminate parasites. People do not realize that the human body is a perfect place for parasites. They accept that the children become infested with parasites and will give them a dose of medication. But once the toddler stage is past, parasite prevention and eradication stops. It is quite unusual for an adult to be treated.

Attention to parasite infestation is no less important for adults. Follow the protocols outlined below to eliminate parasites from your body. However, you will also need to find out if you have a yeast infection.


Candida, or Candida Albicans, to give it its full name, is an overgrowth of a single-cell yeast-like fungus. This fungus is known in Eastern cultures as a moisture that affects various parts of the body, most commonly the gastrointestinal tract and vagina. The digestive system and metabolism are compromised by the often prolific growth in the body by this yeast. Those with a weakened immune system almost always have high levels of candida, especially those with advanced cancer, HIV, and AIDS. In extreme cases, the infection will travel through the bloodstream and affect every organ in the body.

People with candida become very sensitive to certain foods. They find some odors intolerable, especially gasoline, cigarettes, exhaust gases, perfumes, cleaning products, and rubber.

Get tested for candida without visiting your doctor or naturopath. Proceed as follows:

1. Place a glass of water on your nightstand or bathroom cabinet before bed.

2. First thing in the morning, spit into the water. Do not eat or drink anything before this (this is important).

3. Allow the saliva to settle in the water for about 30 minutes, but no more than an hour before testing.

4. Check the water to see if it is clean. If you see strands of saliva (such as legs) floating in the water or cloudy saliva that has sunk to the bottom of the glass,

or floating in water, then you have candida.

If you have candida, it will need to be cleared up immediately. Eliminating parasites from your system is also imperative if you want to absorb nutrients from your food. For those with cancer, the problem is often the fluke worm.

You will definitely have parasites if you have cancer or candida. Remember:

• Candida yeast feeds on sugar.

• Balancing your body’s pH is important for beneficial bacteria like lactobacilli to thrive. These are necessary to properly metabolize sugars.

4 week eradication program

Foods to Avoid

Remove all foods that contain sugar, honey, malt, etc. and yeast from your diet; this includes leavened breads, cakes, muffins, muffins, cakes, crackers (unless they contain no sugar or yeast), enriched flour, anything fried in breadcrumbs, truffles, and chocolate.

Don’t eat fruits, including sweet fruits, dried fruits, and acidic fruits. Do this for only four weeks.

All yeast spread. (Vegemite, Marmite, etc.)

Black tea and herbal teas. The two exceptions are Pau D’Arco tea, known for its antifungal properties (two to three cups a day is enough), and black walnut herbal tea, which is helpful for deworming.



Milk milk – (you can replace it with almond milk, coconut milk, oat milk or rice milk). Make sure they do not contain sugar or malt.


Alcohol, soft drinks, frozen or canned citrus drinks, fermented foods such as soybeans, vinegar, soy sauce, honey, peanut butter, pickles, bouillon and soup cubes, alfalfa sprouts, and B-vitamin tablets that contain yeast,

Enriched flour or anything made with ‘baker’s flour’ that contains yeast

and chemical improvers.

Nutrients and food to take;

Multi-strain probiotic. Use a dairy-free formula.

Paracea to eliminate parasites and worms, Paracea also helps digestive function and fights candida.

Kolorex Herbal Antifungal Formula.

Garlic oil that has a yeast-killing effect on the intestines.

Bromelain between meals facilitates the digestion of dietary proteins (the best formula to buy is Nutrition Diagnostics Bio-zyme Formula).

Coenzyme Q10 daily.

A diet rich in fiber. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, yeast-free cereals like brown rice, millet, and non-fermented vegetarian protein.

Eat live cultured yogurts that do not contain sugar or juice.

Replace your toothbrush every two weeks or sanitize with a solution of water and citric acid or apple cider vinegar.

All recommended products contain quality ingredients. Most are provided by naturopaths or physicians committed to advancing complementary medicine. This type of practitioner will have a degree in Nutritional Medicine. Although the nutritional supplements in this manual will not be harmful to you, it is nevertheless recommended that you seek professional advice from your physician. They will check the dosages and may recommend an alternative product.

Nutritional supplements


Nutrition Care Lactobac Powder or similar: use a non-dairy formula.

5 ml level scoop 2 times a day – 1 hour before meals.

Fight candida infection, balance bacteria levels in stomach.

Active Ingredients: Lactobacillus rhamnosus 14.25 billion organisms, Bifidobacterium longum 750 million organisms.

Bioceuticals Paracea Forte or similar – 2 capsules 3 times a day before meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

When taking Paracea or a similar product, it is important to take it for 2 weeks, then 5 days off, and then 2 weeks again; This is to ensure that the eggs that hatch are destroyed. It helps to maintain a healthy digestive function and rid the body of parasites, worms, bacteria and candida and intestinal disorders.

Active Ingredients: Artemisia herb (Chinese wormwood), Berberis vulgaris (barberry)

stem bark, Juglans nigra (black walnut) fruit peel, citrus x paradise (grapefruit).

Bioceuticals Quercetin (or similar) (Includes bromelain to enhance quercetin absorption) 600 mg twice daily between meals. Diffuses healing and helps reduce the effects of inflammation and allergic conditions along with bromelain to provide

nutritional support.

Active ingredients: quercetin, bromelain.

Nutrition Diagnostics Bio-Zyme Formula – 1 capsule to take 30 minutes before meals. It promotes digestion, breaks down plaque in the arteries, thins the blood, and stops the growth of malignant cells in many forms of cancer. Strengthens the immune system and defends against candida.

Active Ingredients: Bromelain, Papain, Extracts equivalent to fresh: Cynara scolymus (leaf), Extracts equivalent to dry: Zingiber officinale (root), Powders, Gentiana lutea (root), Bark of the stem of Cinnamomum zeylanicum.

Kolorex from Forest Herbs – 1 x Anise and 1 x Horopito simultaneously once a day.

It is a strict antifungal and helps maintain a balanced intestinal flora.

Active ingredients: (New Zealand Herb Horopito (Pseudowintera colorata), Anise.

Nutrition Care Garlic Oil – 2 capsules twice daily. Inhibits the growth of the infecting organism. Excellent for eradicating candida, colds, and bacterial infections.

Active Ingredients: Each capsule contains 3 g of fresh pure garlic oil.

Nutritional Diagnostic Biovitamin C Powder – 2 heaping teaspoons twice daily. Develops immunity and damages more by releasing toxins.

Active Ingredients: Ascorbic Acid, Lycin, Glycine, Proline, Citrus Bioflavonoid Extract, Green Tea, Catechins, Epigallacatechin 3-0 Gallate

Bioceuticals Multi Essentials – 1 tablet daily with food, due to the strength of this formulation it should be taken with food to avoid nausea.

Multiple essential vitamins are necessary for proper immune function and, when used in conjunction with other remedies, will help you absorb other nutrients.

Active Ingredients: Mixed Tocopherols, Betatene, Ascorbic Acid, Natural Vitamin

E (as succinate), vitamin A (as retinyl palmitate), vitamin B1 (thiamine, vitamin

B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (nicotinamide), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, hydrochloride),

vitamin B5 (calcium pantothenate), vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin D3, vitamin K1,

Calcium Citrate, Manganese Amino Acid Chelate, Zinc Amino Acid Chelate, Copper

gluconate, selenomethionine, magnesium oxide, chromium nicotinate, biotin, choline bitartate, inositol, molybdenum trioxide, boron, bioflavonoids. Provides a balanced vitamin B complex with additional B12 for healthy methylation and homocysteine ​​metabolism. Provides a 2: 1 ratio of calcium to magnesium with boron, for healthy bone support

Orthoplex Repairase – 1 teaspoon daily. The combination of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, is immune support, has antiviral activities and repairs internal and external tissues.

Active Ingredients: Quercetin, Rutin, Magnesium Ascorbate, Bromelains, Zinc Gluconate, Calcium Pantothenate, Selenomethionine, D-alpha Tocopherol

succinate, retinyl palmitate.

Coconut milk and coconut oil are also helpful as they help fight dangerous microorganisms in the body. The lauric acid in coconuts is the same medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) found in breast milk. This compound is a substance that has been shown to inactivate numerous viruses, bacteria, yeasts, and fungi.

Whether you have cancer or not, I believe that we all need to have a healthy digestive system to avoid cancer and other diseases.

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