Bach flower remedies: natural remedy or quackery?

Long before Dr. Edward Bach discovered and developed his Bach flower remedies, Plato stated that:

“The healing of the part must not be attempted without the treatment of the whole. One must not attempt to heal the body without the soul and, for the head and body to be healthy, it must begin by healing the mind … Because this is the great mistake of our days in the treatment of the human body, that doctors first separate the soul from the body “.

-Plato, The Republic

Science has long sought to separate the human soul from the human body. It denies the very existence of the soul and this position can be seen strongly in the training of medical personnel in most parts of the world. Every medical student is trained to believe that a strictly scientific approach is the only valid approach and that everything else is just quackery with practitioners of naturopathy, homeopathy, reflexology (and other therapies more metaphysical than scientific) being condemned as witches, charlatans and snakes. oil sellers.

I cannot deny that there are those who take advantage of people to practice tricks and tricks. However, this is equally true for both sides of the treatment debate. Consider the number of scientifically trained Western doctors who are found guilty of malpractice and scams of all kinds on a daily basis. Let’s be very clear on one thing: science is big business. Just try to contradict a seriously held scientific belief and watch the money men spring into action.

Science is, in its way, as much a religion as any other. It requires its devotees to make leaps of faith to fill the gaps in empirical knowledge and to discard any evidence that conflicts with ideology. Sounds like a definition of religion to me.

Now many of our wars are fought with advertising specialists, advertising agencies, media and lawyers as soldiers, in a battle for the minds and money of the average consumer. If they have your mind, they will also have your money. That is why the advertising business is ENORMOUS.

The scientific approach separates the symptoms from the patient, discarding what does not fit into a purely scientific framework because it is not valid.

(What you can’t see and can’t taste doesn’t exist. Right?) Wrong!

Dr. Edward Bach was a very qualified physician; Harley Street consultant and bacteriologist who believed that standard medical theory did not go far enough in treating the individual. What was needed was a ‘full’ approach to treating each person and not just treating symptoms as if they were “independent” components.

In 1930 he gave up his lucrative medical practices to work full time developing a range of herbal and flower based remedies designed to restore harmony between soul, mind and body. He said:

“Health is our heritage, our right. It is the complete and complete union between soul, mind and body; and this is not a distant and difficult ideal to achieve, but one so easy and natural that many of us have overlooked it. “.

-Dr. Edward Bach

Dr. Bach developed Bach flower remedies in the 1930s to support a person’s fight against ill health by paying attention to and dealing with the melancholy, anguish, suffering, fear, and other emotional factors that are the root cause of ill health, illness, and illness. ailments.

By 1936, Dr. Edward Bach had discovered 39 remedies, 38 of which were for a defined emotional and mental state, the 39th Remedy being a combination of five of the remedies designed for complex and stressful situations, which he called “Rescue remedy”.

The Remedies were developed to stimulate our self-healing mechanism, causing us to go into battle, fully engaged and fully armed to fight disease and illness.

You don’t have to be sick to use the remedies. Everyone goes through times of trouble, stress, and exhaustion when you allow negativity to creep in and overwhelm you. Bach flower remedies They are very successful in restoring balance before physical symptoms appear and are especially helpful for those who are generally feeling tired and under the weather without an accurate medical diagnosis.

There are no scientific articles or clinical studies that I have been able to uncover that address the efficacy of Bach flower remedies. However, what I can tell you is the thousands of anecdotal testimonials from people who have used or are using flower remedies. I can also offer personal statements.

He was skeptical of natural and / or metaphysical approaches and practices. Even now I am suspicious of many esoteric practices. However, I put the Bach flower remedies On the test and after two weeks of using the remedy that was prescribed, I noticed a great improvement in my emotional response and in my general sense of well-being. I cannot do more than report on my personal experience. Now I include the Bach flower remedies in my own personal medical cabinet along with headache pills from the scientific community.

In short, the tug of war between the ideology of the scientific approach that discards all but symptoms on the one hand, and on the other hand, those who desire a more comprehensive approach to treating the individual as more than a collection. of symptoms, it is an ongoing jarring rumbling in the womb of humanity and occasionally erupting into skirmishes and wars.

My suggestion is: investigate Bach flower remedies for you. Don’t get brainwashed in any way, but do your own research, talk to those with personal stories to tell, and make up your mind. And finally, give them a try.

Treat the whole person or treat the symptoms? It’s up to you.

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