7 explanations why the moon fascinates us

The moon, one of our most admired celestial bodies, creates awe and excitement every time we contemplate it in the depths of the night sky. We are fascinated by its illumination that occupies a central place among the stars and other celestial bodies in space.

With the help of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), humanity’s ability to explore the moon and learn about the discovery of our universe, solar system, earth, and space, pioneered a universal opportunity for science. , aeronautics and space exploration. . President Dwight D. Eisenhower established NASA in 1958 and President John F. Kennedy’s vision for the United States of America to send astronauts to the moon in the late 1960s became a reality. With the help of the Apollo 11 spacecraft, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first men to walk on the moon on July 20, 1969. Therefore, Moon Day is celebrated every year on July 20.

Why is there so much fascination for the moon?

1. The lunar illumination transforms dramatically from the new moon to the full, waxing and waning phases. This kind of metamorphosis is intriguing.

2. The mystery, the awesome power, the energy, the intuition and the presence of the moon, captivates our curiosity about this celestial body.

3. The moon is the only universal body that can be seen from Earth, without the help of a telescope. It is the closest celestial body to planet earth.

4. There are many legends associated with the cycles of the moon that transcend generations.

5. The peculiar behavior that occurs between humans and animals during the full moon is studied and analyzed.

6. The moon influences and inspires writers to compose poems, novels, nursery rhymes, and other folklore about it.

7. There is a connection to divine creation and wisdom with this cosmic sensation.

Seeing a lunar eclipse, witnessing the presence of the moon during the day, or gazing at the full moon while casting a light on a starry night makes people stop and give them the motivation to observe and wonder about the other planetary bodies they encounter. his place among the Heavens. The reasons people are so fascinated by the moon encapsulates scientific curiosity and discovery, as well as inspiration for creativity and meditation.

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