4 Ways Threads Can Win Over Businesses

Ways Threads Can Win Over Businesses

Less than a week after its launch, Threads has already attracted tens of millions of users. Many of them are celebrities and influencers from the worlds of entertainment, professional sports and business who are jumping on the new social network to post messages and interact with followers. But if Threads is going to become the next Twitter, it will need to attract more brands and businesses as well. And with the rise of TikTok, Instagram and Facebook Live, some are starting to wonder whether there’s room for yet another platform.

With Twitter’s troubles and Elon Musk’s fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants approach to management, it may be tempting for some companies to take a wait-and-see approach. But with a user base that could soon rival the size of Twitter and the promise of a saner, less-disruptive place to chat online, Threads is already attracting interest from brand marketers.

But despite boasting 30m sign-ups in its first morning, the app has some way to go before becoming “a true competitor” to Twitter and other social media platforms, said Jasmine Enberg, senior analyst at Insider Intelligence. She argues that it needs to offer a more stable platform to entice advertisers, who will want confidence that ads won’t be pulled at short notice as they were on Twitter under Mr Musk’s leadership.

How Brands Are Using Threads

A lack of tools to measure the success of posts could also put off some brands. For example, there’s no way to make timelines appear in chronological order and there are no tools for direct messaging – a key feature that’s available on Twitter. In addition, Threads currently doesn’t allow users to search for other accounts or content unless they’re following the person who posted it.

4 Ways Threads Can Win Over Businesses

This lack of functionality is unlikely to last long, with Meta promising updates and improvements. The company also plans to make the app compatible with ActivityPub, a protocol for social networking apps that allows them to connect with one another. This will open up the possibility of creating connections between Threads and other social networks such as Twitter, Tumblr and Mastodon.

Exploring How Brands Utilize Threads

That could be a big win for businesses and brands that want to reach the same audience on multiple platforms. And as more big-name brands join the Threads fold, it’s likely to give the app the critical mass needed to lure advertisers.

Understand brand’s implementation for Threads

Nike is one of the early movers, but it’s taking a cautious approach to marketing on the platform. Its posts thus far are written in the same tone as its Twitter feed and have generated only a few interactions. It’s a risky strategy for a company that raked in $4.5bn in ad revenue from Twitter alone last year.

Educational Content: Threads allow brands to break down complex topics into a series of digestible tweets. This format is especially useful for sharing tips, tutorials, and how-to guides. By providing valuable information in an easily accessible manner, brands position themselves as experts in their industry and foster a sense of trust with their audience.

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