Vitamin C to combat swine flu and influenza

The powers that vitamin C has on fighting influenza and swine flu:

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects against infections and improves immunity.

The suggested daily dose of vitamin C is approximately 100-200 mg 2-3 times a day for adults. When faced with such stressors, adults can take 500-1000 mg 3 times a day. For severe cases like the beginning of the flu, that sick person can take 500-1000 mg every 2 hours. It is important that you stick to the normal recommended dose and then, only when faced with illness, increase to the higher levels. Only at the onset of environmental stress, such as trauma, fever, or infection, should you take higher doses of vitamin C supplements; otherwise, you may risk an overdose of vitamin C.

1-3 years of age, normal dose of 15 mg / disease-onset dose of 400 mg per day

4-8 years of age, normal dose of 25 mg / disease onset dose of 650 mg per day

9-13 years of age, normal dose of 45 mg / disease-onset dose of 1200 mg per day

14-7 years of age, normal dose of 65-75 mg / disease onset dose of 1800-2000 mg per day

18 years and older, 80-85 mg normal dose/2000-3000 mg illness onset dose per day

Pregnant women, normal dose of 80-85 mg / disease onset dose of 1800-2000 mg per day

Breastfeeding women, normal dose of 115-120 mg / illness onset dose of 1800-2000 mg per day

Vitamin C overdose occurs primarily from taking high levels of laboratory-manufactured or manipulated vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid and the like. Overdose can cause diarrhea, gas, stomach upset and cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. The most important overdose conditions that come with vitamin C overdose are the development of kidney stones, deficiencies of vitamin B12 and copper, and also the increased need for oxygen. Pregnant mothers who take 5,000-6,000 mg or more of vitamin C may subject their babies to developing rebound scurvy. People who have iron overload diseases should avoid overdosing on vitamin C, as it increases iron absorption. Patients with hemochromatosis should also not take additional vitamin C due to the accumulation of nonheme iron in the presence of vitamin C. Long-term problems caused by vitamin C overdose include: acute right-sided conjunctivitis, kidney disease, diabetes and hypoglycemia.

The absolute best vitamin C to take is natural vitamin C in the form of whole foods or botanical whole food supplements. One would have to wonder. Where in nature do you find “ascorbic acid”? The answer is nowhere. Most companies use a chemical ascorbic acid that mimics real vitamin C. Now, again with the onset of influenza, however, you can take those doses of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), but only for that long.

Natural ways to get vitamin C are camu camu berry, acerola cherry, rhus coriana, rosehip, Indian gooseberry (amla fruit), and hibiscus. These botanicals are rich in vitamin C and you can get them in capsule form if you like.

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