take care of goldfish

Our kids get them all the time as prizes, gifts, or just fall in love with them at the pet store, or maybe you decide to start owning Goldfish because they are the most common fish, but there are a lot of things to take care of. Goldfish you should know.

So, let’s talk about the top 10 myths about Goldfish:

Myth #1: Goldfish can live in a fish tank. FALSE, FALSE, FALSE. The smallest Goldfish need at least a 10 gallon tank to survive, but it really should be 20 gallons for a Fancy Goldfish. After the first, each fish needs at least 10 gallons of water to thrive. Common kites and goldfish actually need a lot more (50+ gallons for the first fish). Choose tanks that have a large surface area to increase the oxygen that comes into contact with the surface of the water, so wider is always better than taller.

Myth #2: Goldfish have a very short shelf life. FAKE. Some Goldfish can live for more than 25 years if they are well cared for.

Myth #3: All Goldfish are small red fish. FAKE. There are many types of Goldfish:

Color: various combinations of white, yellow, orange, red, brown and black. You can also find silver, gold, blue, although many of them change color as they age.
Types: Common, Black Wasteland, Bubble Eye, Celestial Eye, Kite, Fantail, Pompom, Pearl Scale, Ryukin, Shubunkin, Telescope Eye, Ranchu, Panda Wasteland, Veiltail, and Butterfly Tail

Myth #4: Goldfish stay small. FAKE. Different types of Goldfish can grow to different sizes. Some can grow to more than 15 inches long and weigh more than 5 pounds. But a Fancy Goldfish in a tank can easily grow up to 10 inches.

Myth #5: Goldfish are low maintenance. FAKE. These fish require a lot of care as they are prone to diseases. However, it is not a complicated care. You just need to be aware of how often you change the water and keep the perimeters of the water at acceptable levels by testing the water frequently for ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and pH levels. Ideally, you should do at least a 50% water change every week and never forget to condition the water.

Myth #6: Filtration and heat are not important to Goldfish. FAKE. Goldfish poop a lot, they are not clean fish, so to keep the water clean and safe for your pet, a goldfish tank needs twice as much filtration for its size. So if you have a 20 gallon tank, you should get a filter for a 40 gallon tank.

Although Goldfish can withstand a variety of temperatures, they will not do well in temperatures below 60°F and above 80°F, so if you live in a very cold place you will need a heater and to keep the tank cool in a hot place, do not place the tank near a window or direct sunlight and, if necessary, turn on a fan to cool the water surface.

Myth #7: Goldfish are content just floating around in the tank. FAKE. Goldfish need physical and mental stimulation, so decorate your tank with bridges, plants, etc. Whatever substrate you use, don’t dig it in too deep because harmful bacteria can build up there. A thin layer of gravel or coarse sand at the bottom of the tank is sufficient. Make sure none of the decorations you choose are hollow (bacteria build up again) and avoid sharp edges that can tear your fish’s fins. Rearrange your decorations each month to give your pets new areas to explore.

Myth #8: Goldfish (fish) do not need oxygen to breathe. FAKE. All fish need oxygen to live, only oxygen dissolves in water, that’s why fish need to have a large part of the water in contact with oxygen from outside (that’s why fish tanks are so bad for fish) and they also need additional oxygen that can be provided by adding air bubbles to the tanks. They are not just decorative. They “break” the surface of the water allowing more oxygen to be absorbed.

Myth #9: You need to feed your Goldfish as much as it can eat in two minutes. FAKE. This is the first thing they tell you in pet stores and it’s not entirely accurate. Goldfish can eat very quickly, which means that they can really pack a large amount of food into two minutes. The more you overfeed your Goldfish, the more health problems they will have and the dirtier the water will get. You can feed your goldfish one, two or even three times a day, but never more than an eye-sized portion. If you are going to feed them once, you can give them a couple of servings each. Try to avoid the scales, or soak them for a while so that they sink, thus helping the Goldfish not to swallow air at the surface.

Myth #10: Goldfish are disposable. FALSE, FALSE, FALSE. Fish can make great pets if you really take care of them. They are not animals that you can have for a month, make them die and buy another. They have personalities, you can even train them to eat from your hand! If you are going to have a Goldfish or more, make sure you know how to take care of it.

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