Mouse control

Once mice find a way into your home, which could happen only through a small crack or hole in a wall, base, or screen, they can make nests in unused corners of your home and can exist in simple crumbs.

Therefore, the key to controlling mice is preventing them from entering your home in the first place. This can be done by sealing potential entrances, keeping your home clutter-free where nesting could occur, and eliminating their food sources.

Control mice by preventing them from entering

Doors: If you like to have your doors open during the summer months to let in the breeze, be sure to install screened doors to keep unwanted pests out.

Windows. Vermin can enter a home through a window that is open and unshielded. Even if the window has a mesh, inspect the screens for holes large enough to allow a mouse to enter. Use steel wool or hardware cloth, followed by caulking to fill any gaps around the window frame.

Concrete foundation: Cracks or fractures in your home’s concrete foundation, especially near windows and driveways, could be used for entry. A good mouse control strategy is to use strong repair materials, such as sheet metal, wire mesh, or concrete mortar, and seal any holes you find that are larger than 6.4mm.

Cable outlets and drains, vents and chimneys: Holes made for wires in the home should caulk and seal, just like any other hole created for pipes and drains. Use metal mesh to prevent entry through vents and chimneys.


Disorder: Unused areas of the house are perfect for building a nest. Eliminating clutter will make your home less attractive for nesting. Clutter includes stored items, especially those in cardboard boxes, that they can chew on. Clothing and other stored items should be kept in sealed plastic containers that will not allow access. Old unused furniture and stacks of newspapers or magazines can be attractive to build a nest.

Floors and carpets: Crumbs, spills, and even household dirt can be attractive. It is important to disinfect the floors and vacuum the carpets frequently. Also, don’t neglect garage cleanings – they can enter the house from the garage and then find a way to the main living room. It’s best to keep your garage floor clean!

Limit food sources

Kitchen and pantry: The most likely food source in your home is the kitchen! Therefore, never store food boxes on the ground. Make sure everything is kept on shelves or cabinets. Cereals, pasta, nuts, and other dry products should be stored in containers with tight-fitting lids.

Trash: The smell of trash can attract, so use a trash can with a lid and take out the trash often.

Pet food: Dog and cat food can also be attractive if left outside for long periods.

Natural sources of food: Control mice by preventing them from discovering good things to eat outdoors, such as: nuts and berries that have fallen from trees, birdseed or stored grass seeds. Be sure to keep possible food sources stored and cleaned up promptly. When food sources are scarce, they will look elsewhere.

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